Case Study 2: Gordon Dunn, People Director, Vets 4 Pets
How did you get to know me?
I have worked with Debbie for more years than I care to recall across various organisation and sectors. I first got to know Debbie when she coached me personally through a significant career transition fairly early on in my career. I, therefore have personal experience of her skill and approach to coaching, which I think is one reason why I trust her so much and I continue to engage her to coach leaders.
What have individuals got from working with me?
Everyone’s experience is unique – Debbie targets her approach and the tools she uses to meet the individual/organisational coaching goals. There are, however, some themes I would highlight.
Debbie has particular skill in coaching leaders through transition, supporting leaders get the best out of a team and supporting individuals who have things going on in their personal life which are impacting work. Without exception, everyone progresses with Debbie. I always tell colleagues to expect to work hard with Debbie – she puts people through their paces, gives homework and expects the individual to commit 120%!
What has been the process?
Over the years we have fine-tuned our process. Typically, we will start with a 3 way briefing process – Debbie, the coachee and myself or the coachee’s line manager. During the session we agree the coaching goals and outcomes. We always state upfront that if the coachee (or indeed Debbie) does not feel the chemistry is right or she is not the best person to support that we will find another coach. This has never actually happened, but I think sums up the ethics under which Debbie operates. The coachee and Debbie are then left to work together – typically over 6 sessions. We commit to no feedback loop back into the organisation, however, Debbie generally encourages the coachee to feedback to me or the line manager. 6 sessions work well I find. I can only think of one situation where this was extended beyond 6 sessions as an exception.
What impact have you seen?
Debbie has dealt with some complex coaching goals over the years and I have seen some amazing results – particularly around confidence and people taking a values-led approach to their life and work generally.
What would you say to anyone considering me as a coach/facilitator?
Be prepared to commit and work hard. Debbie will play her part in supporting and challenging you to achieve your coaching goals and potential – but you have to play your part too.